Meta: Editing, Part Two

Just a little status update for everyone!

The “final editing pass” I mentioned earlier was actually to consist of two editors each making their own editing pass. The first of editor is now finished and his changes are integrated into the book. It will now head off to the second editor, and when she’s finished, I’ll begin the final formatting for the book in both print and e-book formats.

I’m planning to build some business cards and flyers soon. When that’s done, I’ll post the graphics up here so that anyone who wants to print some of their own and pass them out can do that. For anyone in the Portland area, you’re welcome to ask me for some of the nicely printed ones!

Finally, I’ve started giving some more serious thought to the short story compilation I want to produce next. There will be four stories I’ve written over the past ten years or so (including one novella), and I have two more stories planned, including a Soar short story. This is all very tentative right now, but I’d really like this project to come to fruition as well. So if all goes well, you’ll have some more Soar coming. 🙂 The other stories have different themes, and some of them have very a different feel (including one that I would classify as “sci-fi future noir”), but all of them have a theme of transformation and self-exploration that I think will appeal to anyone who likes Soar.

Meta: Final pass editing, Real Soon Now!

Many read-throughs have happened on my Kindle on the bus, and I’ve received some very kind comments from “beta” readings. So we are going to begin the final editing pass soon. Things are still well on track for a release by the end of summer.

A wiki is now in progress for all things Ashlyn, which right now means a lot of info about Soar. ^^; Specifically, there’s a full Ka’aulele language wiki in progress. Some language info will be in the book itself, but everything I know of it will go into the wiki and will be available at book release time.

This week I am also planning to get the email announcement list going. I’ll post and tweet and status-update (that almost sounds profane) when it happens.

Thank you to everyone who’s watching and everyone who tunes in soon!

Meta: Site is up!

The web site is finally up. ^^;

Hello there, this is Ashlyn. I’ll be your author today. Please keep your hands and feet inside the cart at all times, as we can’t guarantee what they will turn into if you don’t.

We’re operating on a small crew, with a shoestring budget, so this won’t be a big fancy site with “trailers” and such. (Trailers for books — what a strange concept — though I’ve seen a few at Amazon lately.) However, news about anything in progress, as well as found links with mentions of anything, will be posted up here. So if you’d like to keep track of anything, this is the place to do it! The RSS is the best way, but I’m also working on an announcement list in email for things like “hey, it’s published!”

The main project right now, as you can guess from the site layout, is To Dream, Perchance to Soar, or just plain Soar as we call it. The quickest synopsis I can give in this space that will do it any justice is “girl wants wings, changes world”. 😀 I believe it will appeal to a number of groups of people who are not well-served by much fiction these days. I recommend looking at the page for real info.

As of a day or two ago, the writing of the main story has completed, and cover art has been created. Extra content is in progress, as well as some editing. I’m expecting it to be available by the end of summer. My delivery method of choice is e-book, both because I’m rather enamored with them myself right now, and because it saves trees; but there will also be a publish-on-demand dead-tree copy for order. I’m not sure who all will carry the e-book, but I’m expecting Amazon for Kindle at the least. I’m also going to try to get it onto at least one EPUB compatible site for everyone else.

Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you’ll stay around, and I hope I can give you something worth staying for.